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Here we are provided this recorded video course which is cover following topics suggested by university syllabus.
B.E. 5TH Semester
Subject Code: 2151902
- Gyroscope: Principle of gyroscope, Definition of axes, active and reactive couples; Roll, Yaw and Pitch motions; Gyroscopic effect in a rotor, two wheelers, Four wheelers, ship and Airplane.
- Friction Devices: Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers: Classification of clutches, torque transmission capacity, consideration for uniform wear and uniform pressure theory, single plate and multi-plate clutch, centrifugal clutch. Energy equation and thermal considerations. Classification of brakes, Braking effect, Analysis of Brakes: Block Brake, Band Brake, Band and Block brake, Internal expansion shoe brake; Braking analysis of four wheelers. Classification of Dynamometers, Analysis of Dynamometers: Prony brake, Rope brake, Hydraulic, Belt Transmission, Epicyclic- Train and Bevis-Gibson torsion.
- Flywheels: Significance of flywheels, turning moment and crank effort diagrams for reciprocating machines, coefficient of fluctuation of speed and energy, limiting velocity of flywheels, Design of flywheels for engine and punching machines.
- Governors: Necessity of governor, Classification of Governors, Working principle of centrifugal governors, Concept of control force, Control force diagram, Stability of governor, Condition for stability, Concept of isochronism, Sensitivity of governor, Characteristic of governors, Hunting of governors.
- Introduction to Dynamics: Newton’s Laws of Motion, Applied and constraint forces, Free body diagram, conditions for equilibrium, Two and Three forces members, four force members, Friction force, Static force analysis with friction. Centroid and Centre of Mass, Mass Moments and product of inertia, Inertia forces and D’Alembert’s Principle. Planar rotation about fixed center, shaking forces and moments, Complex algebra approach, Equation of motion. Application of concepts to dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanisms and 4-bar mechanisms. Spatial: Measuring mass moments of Inertia, Transformation of Inertia axes, Euler’s equation of motion, Impulse and momentum, Angular impulse and momentum.
1Introduction to Gyroscopic Effect
3Precessional Angular Motion
4Concept of Gyroscopic Couple
5Gyroscopic Effect on Aeroplanes
6Gyroscopic Effect on Ships
7Gyroscopic Stabilization
8Stabilization of Ships
9Stability of Four-Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path
10Stability of Four-Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path with Banking
11Staibility of Two Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path
12Gyroscopic Effect on Inclined Rotating Disc
Friction Devices: Clutches-Brakes and Dynamometers
13Introduction to Pivot and Collar Friction
14Types of Pivot Bearings
16Types of Clutches
17Introduction to Brakes
18Classification of Brakes
19Block or Shoe Brakes
20Band Brakes
21Band and Block Brake
22Internal Expanding Shoe Brake
23Braking of a Vehicle
24Hydraulic Brakes
25Disc Brakes
26Pneumatic (Air) Brake
27Vacuum Brakes
29Types of Dynamometers
30Review of Basic Concepts
31Turning Moment Diagram
32Turning Moment Diagram for a Single Cylinder Double Acting Reciprocating Steam Engine
33Turning Moment Diagram for a Single Cylinder Four Stroke IC Engine
34Turning Moment Diagram for Multicylinder Engine (For Two Cylinder Double Acting Steam Engine)
35Turning Moment Diagram for Multicylinder in Line Four Stroke IC Engine
36Application of Turning Moment Diagram
38Coefficient of Fluctuation of Speed of Flywheel
39Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy of Flywheel
40Size of Flywheel
41The Flywheel in Punching Press
43Comparison between Flywheel and Governor
44Types of Governors
45Centrifugal Governor
46Inertia Governor
47Terminology used in Governor
48Watt Governor
49Porter Governor
50Proell Governor
51Hartnell Governor
52Performance Characteristics of Governors
53Governor Effort and Power
54Controlling Force
55Insensitiveness of Governors (Effect of Governor)
56Wilson Hartnell Governor
Introduction to Dynamics
58Newton's Laws
59Equations of Equilibrium or Conditions for Equilibrium
60Equilibrium of Two-force and Three-force Systems
61Concept of Force and Couple
62Free Body Diagrams (F.B.D)
63Methods of Static Force Analysis of Simple Mechanisms
64Static Force Analysis of Mechanisms with Considering Frictional Forces
65Important Definitions
66Centroid and Center of Mass
67Mass Moments and Products of Inertia
68Planner Rotation about a Fixed Center
69D'Alembert's Principle
70Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M)
71Radius of Gyration of Rigid Bodies
72Dynamically Equivalent System or Kinematically Equivalent System
73Correction Couple
74Force Analysis in IC Engine Mechanism
75Shaking Forces and Shaking Moments
76Complex Algebra Approach for Dynamic Force Analysis
77Equation of Motion of a Mechanism
78Transformation of Inertia Axes
79Euler's Equations of Motion
80Impulse and Momentum
81Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum
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