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SUBJECT CODE:- 2151907
- Introduction:- Design procedure, Selection of preferred sizes, Aesthetic and Ergonomic considerations in Design, Manufacturing considerations in Design, Mechanical Properties of Materials, Effect of Alloying elements and heat treatment on properties of steel, Materials Selection in Machine Design, IS coding of steels and cast irons.
- Design Against Fluctuating Loads:- Stress Concentration, Endurance limit and Fatigue failure, Factors affecting endurance limit, S-N Diagram, Design for reversed stresses and cumulative damage, Fluctuating stresses; Soderberg Gerber, Goodman and Modified- Goodman criteria, Combined Stresses.
- Design of Springs:- Classification of springs, Helical Spring; Style of ends, Stresses, Correction Factors, and Deflection, Design against static and fluctuating loads, Concentric springs, surge phenomenon, Helical Torsion and Spiral Springs, Belleville spring, shot peening of springs. Multi-Leaf Spring; Terminology, Nipping, and Design of Multi-leaf spring.
- Belt and Chain Drives:- Flat Belt Drive:- Belt Construction, Flat Belt Drive; Length of belt : Open and Cross drive types, Ratio of Tensions on tight side to slack side, Condition for maximum power transmission, Creep phenomenon, Methods for tensioning, Selection of belts from catalogues, Design of pully for flat belt drive, Timming belt selection. V-Belt Drive, Nomenclature, Selection of V- Belts from catalogues. Chain Drives:- Nomenclature of roller chains, Lengths and power rating of chains, Design of chain drive.
- Pressure Vessels:- Thin cylinders and spherical vessels, wire wound cylinders, Thick cylinders: Principal stresses in cylinder subjected to internal/external pressure, Lame’s equation, Clavarion’s and Bernie’s equations, Autofrettage, Compounding of cylinders, Gasketed Joints, Thickness of cylindrical and spherical shells, Design of End closures, Area compensations of nozzles, Introduction to Design codes.
Introduction: Design Consideration
1Introduction to Machine Design
2Design Procedure (Design Process)
3Design Considerations
4Aesthetic Consideration in Design
5Ergonomic Consideration in Design
6Areas Covered Under Ergonomics
7Practical Example of Ergonomics in Design
8Manufacturing Consideration in Design (Design for Manufacturing)
9Design Consideration for Castings
10Design Consideration for Forgings
11Design Consideration in Machining (Design For Machining)
12Design Consideration in Welding (Design For Welding)
13Assembly Consideration In Design
15Preferred Series and Its Selection
16List of Formulae
Introduction : Engineering Materials
Design Against Fluctuating Loads
27Stress Concentration
28Stress Concentration Factors
29Fatigue Load and Fatigue Failure
30Fluctuating Stresses
31Endurance Strength, Endurance Limit and S-N Diagram
32Relation Between Endurance Limit and Ultimate Tensile Strength of Material
33Endurance Limit of Mechanical Component
34Design of Components Subjected to Fatigue Loading
35Design of Components Subjected to Completely Reversed Stresses
36Design of Components Subjected to Fluctuating Stresses for Infinite Life
37Modified Goodman Diagram
38Summary of Design of Components Subjected to Fluctuating
39Design of Components Subjected to Fluctuating Stresses for Finite Life
40Fatigue Design of Components under Combined Stresses
Design of Springs
42Types of Springs
43Terminology For Helical Compression Springs
44Types of Ends for Helical Compression Springs
45Types of Ends for Helical Tension Springs
46Material for Helical Springs
47Stresses in Helical Springs
48Deflection of Helical Springs
49Design of Helical Compression and Tension Springs
50Helical Springs in Combination
51Concentric Helical Springs
52Design of Helical Compression Springs Subjected to Fluctuating Loads
53Helical Torsion Springs
54Spiral Springs
55Leaf Springs
56Nipping of Leaf Springs
57Belleville or Disc Springs
58Surge in Springs
59Pre- Stressing of Springs: Shot Peening
Belt and Chain Drives
61Advantages and Limitations of Belt Drives
62Types of Belts
63Types (classification) of Flat Belt Drives
64Materials and Construction of Flat Belt
65Speed Ratio of Belt Drive
66Geometrical Relationships for Belt Drives (Length of Belts)
67Crowning of Pulley
68Total Tension in Belt and Limiting Ratio of Tensions For Flat Belt
69Initial Tension in Belt
70Power Transmitted by Belt
71Maximum Power Transmitting Capacity of Belt Drive
72Stresses in Belt
73Selection in Belt
74Selection of Flat Belts from Manufacturer's Catalogue
75Pulley for Flat Belt Drive
76Introduction to V- Belts
77Limiting Ratio of Tensions For V-Belt
78Selection of V- Belts from Manufacture's Catalogue
79Creep in Belts
80Methods of Belt Tensioning
81Timing or Toothed Belts
82Rope Drives
83Introduction to Chain Drives
84Types of Power Transmission Chains
85Geometry of Chain
86Polygon Effect in Chain
87Modes of Roller Chain Failure
88Selection of Roller Chains from Manufacturer's Catalogue
89Lubrication of Chains
90Sprocket Wheels
91Types of Cylinders
92Thin Cylinders
93Thick Cylinders
94Thick Cylinders Subjected to Internal and External Pressure
95Thick Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure
96Design of Thick Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure
97Thick Cylinders Subjected to External Pressure
98Increasing Pressure Capacity (Pre- Stressing) of Thick Cylinders
99Methods of Pre- Stressing of Thick Cylinders
100Gasketed Joints in Cylinders
Pressure Vessels
101Introduction to Pressure Vessels
102Unfired Pressure Vessels
103Types of Welded Joints Used in Pressure Vessels
104Categories of Welded Joints in Unfired Pressure Vessels
105Classification of Unfired Pressure Vessels
106Selection of Material For Unfired Pressure Vessels
107Design of Unfired Pressure Vessels
108Design of Pressure Vessel Shell
109End Closures in Unfired Pressure Vessels
110Nozzles and Openings in Unfired Pressure Vessels
111Supports For Pressure Vessels
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