Harikishan Prajapati
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SUBJECT CODE:- 2161908
- Introduction:- Brief history and need of refrigeration and air conditioning, methods of producing cooling, ton of refrigeration, coefficient of performance, types and application of refrigeration and air condensing system.
- Refrigerants:- classification, nomenclature, desirable properties, secondary refrigerants, future industrial refrigerants.
- Air refrigeration:- Reversed Carnot cycle and its limitation, Bell-Coleman cycle, aircraft refrigeration, working and analysis of simple; Bootstrap; Reduced ambient and Regenerative air refrigeration systems.
- Vapor Compression system- Simple system on P-h and T-s diagrams, analysis of the simple cycle, factors affecting the performance of the cycle, actual cycle Compound Compression System:- Compound Compression with intercooler, flash gas removal and flash intercooler, multiple evaporators with back pressure valves and with multiple expansion valves without flash intercooling, analysis of two evaporators with flash intercooler and individual expansion valve and multiple expansion valve, Cascade refrigeration system.
- Absorption refrigeration system:- Practical H20-NH3 Cycle, LiBr-H2O system and its working, h-x diagram and simple calculation of various process like adiabatic mixing and mixing with heat transfer, throttling, Electrolux refrigeration system.
- Refrigeration system components:- Types, Construction, working, comparison and selection of compressors, condensers, expansion devices and evaporator; refrigeration piping accessories, evacuation and charging of refrigerant, properties and classification of thermal insulation.
- Psychrometry:- Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Properties of moist air, temperature and humidity measuring instruments, psychometric chart, psychrometric processes such as sensible heating and cooling, heating and humidification cooling and dehumidification, chemical dehumidification, adiabatic saturation.
- Human comfort:- Selection of inside design conditions, thermal comfort, heat balance equation for a human being, factors affecting thermal comfort, effective temperature, comfort chart and factors governing effective temperature, selection of outside design conditions
- Load analysis:-site survey, outdoor and indoor design conditions. classification of loads, flywheel effect of building material and its use in design, effect of wall construction on cooling load, instantaneous heat gain (IHG) and instantaneous cooling load (ICL) heat transmission through sunlit and shaded glass using tables, method of reduction of solar heat gain through glass, calculation of cooling load TETD due sunlit and shaded roof and walls using tables, ventilation and air infiltration, load due to outside air , heat gain from occupants; electric lights; product; electric motor and appliances, load calculations for automobiles, use of load estimation sheet. Introduction of CLTD method
- Duct design and air distribution:- Function; classification and economic factor influencing duct layout, equal friction , velocity reduction and static regain methods of duct design, use of friction chart, dynamic losses and its determination, Requirements of air distribution system, air distribution, grills, outlets, application, location.
- Air-Conditioning systems:- Classification, system components, all air; all water ; and air-water systems, room air conditioners, packaged air conditioning plant, central air conditioning system, split air conditioning systems.
Review of Thermodynamics
2Thermodynamics System
3Dimensions and Units
5Ideal Gas Equation
7Specific Heats if a Gas
8First Law of Thermodynamics
9Application of First Law of Thermodynamics to Closed System Processes
10Application of First Law of Thermodynamics to Steady Flow Open Systems
11Mechanical Work in Steady Flow Process
12Second Law of Thermodynamics
13Carnot's Theorem
15Principle of Increase of Entropy
16Entropy Change for Ideal Gas - General Equation
17State of a Substance
18Pure Substance
19Phase Transformation at Constant Pressure- Formation of Steam
20Properties of Steam
21Steam Table and Their Uses
22Temperature- Entropy (T-s) and Enthalpy- Entropy(h-s) Diagrams for Steam
23Compressed Liquid
24Heat Transfer
25Modes of Heat Transfer
26Heat Transfer by Conduction
27Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction
29Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient U
30Heat Transfer in an Infinitely Long Cylinder
31Heat Transfer Through a Hollow Sphere
32Heat Transfer through A Composite Cylinder with Conduction and Convection
33Thermal Insulation
35Stefan-Boltzmann Law of Radiation
Basic and Development of Refrigeration
36Development of Refrigeration
37Definition of Refrigeration
38Systems of Refrigeration
39Non-cyclic Refrigeration
40Refrigeration by Expansion of Air
41Refrigeration by Throttling of Gas
42Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
43Liquid Gas Refrigeration
44Vortex Tube Refrigeration System
45Thermoelectric Refrigerator
46Production of Low Temperature by Magnetic Cooling
47Steam Jet Refrigeration System
48Concept of Heat Engine, Heat Pump, and Refrigerating Machines
49Unit of Refrigeration- Tons of Refrigeration(TR)
50Applications of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
52Water coolers
53Deep Freezers
54Ice Making Plant
55Preservation of Food
56Types of Cold Storage
57Milk Chilling Plant for Dairy
59Classification of Refrigerants
60Classification of Primary Refrigerants
61Design of Refrigerants
62Desirable Properties of a Good Refrigerant
63Properties of Important Refrigerants
64Selection of a Refrigerant
65Secondary Refrigerants
66Effect of CFCs on Ozone Depletion and Global Warming
67Montreal Protocol
68Search of Alternative Refrigerants of CFCs
69Promising Alternatives to CFCs Refrigerants
70Kyoto Protocol and TEWI
71Natural Refrigerants
Air Refrigeration Systems
72Air Refrigeration System
73The Carnot Refrigerator
74Bell-Coleman Air Refrigeration Cycle
75Application of Air Cycle Refrigeration for Aircrafts
76Methods of Air Refrigeration Systems
77Simple Air Cooling System
78Simple Air Evaporative Cooling System
79Bootstrap Air Refrigeration System
80Bootstrap Air Evaporative Cooling System
81Reduced Ambient Air Cooling System
82Regenerative Air Cooling System
83Compression of Various Aircraft Cooling Systems
Vapour Compression System
84Limitation of Air Refrigeration Cycle
85The Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
86Pressure- Enthalpy (p-h) Chart for Refrigerants
87Thermodynamic Analysis of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle
88Wet Compression vs Dry Compression
89Effect of Operating Variable on Performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
90Expansion Cylinder Vs Throttle Valve
91Thermodynamics Properties of Saturated Refrigerants
92Actual Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle
Compound Compression System
93Limitation and Drawbacks of Simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle
94Multistage Vapour Compression System
95Types of Multistage Vapour Compression System
96Two stage Compression with Liquid Intercooler
97Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler and Liquid Sub-cooler
98Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler Liquid Sub- cooler and Liquid Flash Chamber
99Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler Liquid Sub-cooler and Flash Intercooler
100Multiple Evaporator and compressor Systems
101Multiple Evaporator at the Same Temperature and Single Compressor System
102Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperature with Single Compressor Individual Expansion Valves and Back Pressure Valve System
103Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures With Single Compressor Multiple Expansion Valves and Back Pressure Valves
104Multiple Evaporators with Individual Compressors and Individual Expansion Valves
105Multiple Evaporators with Individual Compressors and Multiple Expansion Valves
106Multiple Evaporator with Compound Compression and Individual Expansion Valves
107Multiple Evaporator System with Compound Compression Individual Expansion Valves and Flash Intercoolers
108Multiple Evaporator System with Compound Expansion, Multiple Expansion Valves and Flash Intercoolers
109Cascade System of Refrigeration
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
111Refrigerant- Solvent Properties
112Simple Ammonia- Water Vapour Absorption System
113Practical Ammonia- Water Vapour Absorption System
114Compression between Vapour Absorption and Vapour Compression System
115COP of An Ideal Vapour Absorption System
116Domestic Electrolux (NH3-H2) Refrigerator
117Lithium Bromide Absorption Refrigeration System
118New Mixtures for Vapour Absorption System
119Theory of Mixtures
120Temperature- Concentration (t-z) Diagram for Binary Mixtures
121Enthalpy Concentration Diagram( h-z)
122Adiabatic Mixing of Two Streams
Refrigeration System Components
125Reciprocating Compressor
126Rotary Compressor
127Centrifugal Compressor
128Screw Compressor
129Scroll Compressor
130Hermetically Sealed Compressor
132Expansion and Flow Control Devices
136Piping in Refrigeration System
137Insulation In Refrigeration
138Services Operations
140Psychrometry and Psychrometric Properties
141Daltons Law of Partial Pressure
142Dry Bulb Temperature
143Specific Humidity or Humidity Ratio
144Relative Humidity
145Degree Of Saturation
146Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature or Adiabatic Saturation of Air
147Enthalpy of Air
148Dew Point Temperature
149Vapour Density or Absolute Humidity
150Specific Volume
151Psychrometric Chart
152Psychrometric Processes
153Adiabatic Mixing of Air Streams
154Sensible Heating
155Sensible Cooling
156Humidification and Dehumidification of Air
157Cooling and Dehumidification
158Adiabatic Cooling or Evaporative Cooling or Cooling with Humidification Process
159Heating with Humidification
160Chemical Dehumidification or Sorbent Dehumidification
161Spray Processes
Human Comfort and Load Analysis
163Outside Design Conditions
164Inside Design Condition
165Human Comfort Chart
166Sources of Heat Load
167Heat Gain Through Glass
168Heat Load through Opaque Surface
171Outside Air Load
172Occupancy Heat Load
175Product Brought in
176System Heat Gain
177Equipment Selection
179Psychrometric Analysis of Estimated Heat Load
180Psychrometric Analysis of Uncommon Load Patterns
181Partial Load Analysis
182Winter Air Conditioning
Duct Design and Air Distribution
184Supply Air Duct
185Fire Dampers
186Flow Through Duct
187Pressure Losses in the Duct
188Loss of Pressure Due to Friction
189Equivalent Diameter of a Circular Duct or Rectangular Duct
190Friction Chart for Circular Ducts
191Dynamic Losses in Duct
192Methods of Duct Design
193Pressure Drop in Ducts
194Room Air Distribution
195Types of Outlets
196Location of Outlet
197Return Air System
Air Conditioning System
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