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SUBJECT CODE:- 2151909
- Fundamental:- Modes of heat transfer, effect of temperature on thermal conductivity of different solids, liquids and gases, derivation of generalized equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates and its reduction to specific cases, General laws of heat transfer.
- Conduction:- Fourier’s law, One dimensional steady state conduction, heat conduction through plane and composite walls, cylinders and spheres, electrical analogy, critical radius of insulation for cylinder and sphere, overall heat transfer coefficient.                                                                                                    Transient heat conduction:- lumped heat capacity analysis, time constant, transient heat conduction in solid with finite conduction and convective resistances.                                                                               Heat transfer from extended surface:- Types of fin, heat flow through rectangular fin, infinitely long fin, fin insulated at the tip and fin losing heat at the tip, efficiency and effectiveness of fin, Biot number, Estimation of error in temperature measurement in a thermometer well.
- Convection:- Newton’s law of cooling, dimensional analysis applied to forced and free convection, dimensionless numbers and their physical significance, empirical correlations for free and forced convection, continuity, momentum and energy equation, thermal and hydrodynamic boundary layer, Blasius solution for laminar boundary layer, General solution for Von-Karman integral momentum equation
- Radiation:- Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity, black, white, and grey body, emissive power, emissivity, laws of radiation- Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann, Wein’s displacement, Kirchhoff’s law, intensity of radiation and solid angle, Lambert’s cosine law. Radiation heat exchange between black bodies, shape factor, heat exchange between non-black bodies- infinite parallel planes and infinite long concentric cylinders, radiation shield, heat exchange between two grey surfaces, electrical analogy.
- Heat exchanger:- Classification, heat exchanger analysis, LMTD for parallel and counter flow exchanger, condenser and evaporator, overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor, correction factors for multi pass arrangement, effectiveness- NTU method for parallel and counter flow heat exchanger, introduction of heat pipe and compact heat exchanger.
- Two -phase heat transfer:- Boiling of liquids, Pool boiling curve, different types of pool boiling, condensation of vapor, Film wise & drop wise condensation.
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
1Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer
2Modes of Heat Transfer
3Mechanism of Heat Transfer by Conduction
4Basic Definitions Relating to Heat Transfer
5Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction
6Heat Conduction through a Wall/Slab
7Analogy Between Heat Conduction and Electricity
10Laws of Radiation
11General Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian Co-ordinates
12Special Cases of General Heat Conduction Equation
13Heat Conduction Equation in Cylindrical (Polar) Co-ordinates
14General Heat Conduction Equation in Spherical Co-ordinates
15One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction through Plane Wall or Infinite Slab without Heat Generation
16Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient U
17Thermal Contact Resistance
18One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction through Hollow Cylinder without Heat Generation
19Heat Transfer through a Composite Cylinder with Conduction and Convection
20One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction through Hollow Sphere without Heat Generation
21Combined Heat Transfer by Conduction and Convection in Compound Sphere
22Thermal Insulation
23Critical Thickness of Insulation
24Critical Thickness of Insulation in Case of Sphere
25Economic Thickness of Insulation
26Introduction to Transient Heat Conduction
27System with Negligible Internal Resistance- Lumped Heat Capacity Method
28Time Constant and Response of Thermocouple
29Introduction to Fins
30Extended Surface-Fins
31Types of Fins and Application
32Analysis of Fins of Uniform Cross- Sectional Area(Reactangular Plate Fin / Pin Fin)
33Effectiveness of Fins
34Fin Efficiency
35Overall Fin Effectiveness
36Error in Temperature Measurement by Thermometer
Convection Heat Transfer
38Basic Definitions Related to Convection
40Laminar and Turbulent Flow
41Continuity Equation
42Differential Equation of Momentum for Fluid Flow
43Energy Equation
44Blasius Solution for Laminar Boundary Layer
45Von Karman Integral Momentum Equation : (Laminar Flow Over Flat Plate)
46Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient
47Boundary Layer Concept
48The Thermal Boundary Layer
49Velocity Boundary Layer Development in Circular Pipes in Forced Convection
50Thermal Boundary Layer in Circular Pipes
51Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient
52Dimensional Analysis
53Physical Significance of Dimensionless Numbers
54Forced Convection Correlations: Flow through Circular Pipe
55Co- relations for Fluid Flow Over the Plate
56Co- relation for Flow Across a Horizontal Cylinder
57Reynold's Analogy for Laminar Fluid Over Flate Plate
58Mechanism of Natural Convection
59Coefficient of Volumetric Expansion
60Dimensional Analysis of Natural Convection
61Physical Significance of Dimensionless Numbers in Natural Convection
62Correlation Applicable to Natural Convection
Thermal Radiation
63Thermal Radiation
64Theories of Radiation
65Total Emissive Power of a Surface (E)
66Irradiation of a Surface (G)
67Basic Concept and Definations
68Laws of Radiation
69Emissivity of Real Surfaces
70Intensity of Radiation (I) and Solid Angle
71Heat Exchange Between Two Finite Black Surfaces by Radiation
72Radiant Shape Factor Algebra
73Heat Exchange Between Grey Bodies
74Application of Electrical Analogy to Thermal Radiation Heat Exchange Problems
75Radiation Shields
76Radiation Error in Temperature Measurement by Thermocouple
77Solar Radiation
78Green House Effect
79Radiation from Gases, Vapours and Flames
Heat Exchangers
80Definition and Application of Heat Exchangers
81Classification of Heat Exchangers
82Temperature Distribution in Heat Exchangers
83Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U)
84Fouling Factor
85Analysis of Heat Exchanger
86The Effectiveness- NTU Method
87Heat Pipe
88Design Aspect of Heat Exchanger and its Selection
Condensation and Boiling (Two Phase Heat Transfer)
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