Hardik Prajapati
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

- Basic Concepts :- Microscopic & Macroscopic point of view, thermodynamic system and control volume, thermodynamic properties, processes and cycles, Thermodynamic equilibrium, Quasi – static process
- First Law of Thermodynamics:- First law for a closed system undergoing a cycle and change of state, energy, PMM1, first law of thermodynamics for steady flow process, steady flow energy equation applied to nozzle, diffuser, boiler, turbine, compressor, pump, heat exchanger and throttling process, filling and emptying process
- Second law of thermodynamics :- Limitation of first law of thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement and their equivalence, PMM2, causes of irreversibility, Carnot theorem, corollary of Carnot theorem, thermodynamic temperature scale
- Entropy :- Clausius theorem, property of entropy, inequality of Clausius, entropy change in an irreversible process, principle of increase of entropy, entropy change for non- flow and flow processes, third law of thermodynamics
- Energy :- Energy of a heat input in a cycle, exergy destruction in heat transfer process, exergy of finite heat capacity body, exergy of closed and steady flow system, irreversibility and Gouy -Stodola theorem and its applications, second law of efficiency
- Vapor Power cycles :- Carnot vapor cycle, Rankine cycle, comparison of Carnot and Rankine cycle, calculation of cycle efficiencies, variables affecting efficiency of Ranine cycle, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle, reheat – regenerative cycle, feedwater heaters,
- Gas Power cycles :- Recapitulation of Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Compression of Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, air standard efficiency, mean effective pressure, brake thermal efficiency, relative efficiency, Brayton cycle, effect of reheat, regeneration, intercooling and turbine and compressor efficiency on Brayton cycle
- Properties of gases and gas mixtures:- Avogadro’s law, equation of state, ideal gas equation, Vander Waal’s equation, reduced properties, law of corresponding states, compressibility chart, Gibbs- Dalton law, internal energy; enthalpy and specific heat of a gas mixtures
Basic Concepts
2Microscopic and macroscopic point of view
3Thermodynamic system and control volume
4Thermodynamic properties
5State, process and cycle
6Thermodynamic equilibrium
7Quasi-Static process
8Pure substance
9Vapour- liquid solid phase in a pure substances
10Critical and triple point of pure substance
11p-v-T surface
12Work and Heat Transfer
13Point function and path function
14Temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
17First law of thermodynamics for a closed system undergoing a cycle
18First law of thermodynamics for a closed system undergoing a change of state
19Energy - a property of system
20Perpetual motion machine of the first kind - PMM1
21Non- flow process and flow process
22Flow process and control volume
23Steady and unsteady flow process
24Steady flow energy equation (SFEE)
25Engineering Application of SFEE
26Unsteady flow processes : filling and emptying process
27Flow and non-flow work
Second Law of Thermodynamics
28Limitation of the first law of thermodynamics
29Thermal energy reservoirs
30Heat engines
31Heat pumps and refrigerators
32Kelvin - Plank statement of second law of thermodynamics
33Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics
34Equivalence of Kelvin- Plank and Clausius statements
35Comparison between Kelvin- Plank and Clausius statements
36Perpetual motion machine of second kind (PMM2)
37Carnot cycle and Carnot heat pump
38Carnot theorem
39Corollary of Carnot theorem
40Introduction - Entropy
41Clausius theorem
42Entropy is a property
43Inequality of Clausius
44Entropy change for open system
45Reversible and irreversible process
46Principle of increase of entropy or change in entropy of the universe
47Applications of entropy principle
48Temperature entropy (T-S) diagram
49Entropy change during thermodynamic process
50Entropy change for pure substance
51Third law of thermodynamics (Nernst law)
Exergy and irreversibility
52Introduction to exergy
53Exergy ( available energy ) referred to a cycle
54Lost work - Exergy destruction in heat transfer process
55Exergy ( availability ) of closed system (non- flow process)
56Exergy ( availability) of steady flow open system
57Reversibility and irreversibility
58Irreversibility Gauy Stodola Theorem
59Applications of Gauy Stodola equation
60Second law efficiency or effectiveness
61Availability, irreversibility and second law efficiency (effectiveness) of open system
Vapour Power Cycles
Gas Power Cycles
72Carnot cycle
73Otto cycle or constant volume cycle
74Diesel Cycle ( Constant Pressure Heat Addition Cycle)
75Dual cycle or Limited pressure cycle or Mixed cycle
76Comparision of Otto Diesel and Dual cycles
77Brake thermal and relative efficiencies
78Brayton Cycle
79Actual Brayton cycle
80Effect of operating variables on efficiency of Brayton cycle
81Effect of intercooling on Brayton cycle
82Effect of regeneration on Brayton cycle
83Effect of reheating on Brayton cycle
84Effect of intercooling and regeneration on Brayton cycle
85Effect of intercooling and reheating on Brayton cycle
86Effect of reheating and regeneration on Brayton cycle
87Effect of intercooling reheating and regeneration on Brayton cycle
Properties of gases and gas mixtures
88Avogadro's law
89Equation of state
90Ideal gas equation
91Van der Waal's equation
92Reduced properties
93Law of corresponding states
94Compressibility chart
95Gibbs-Dalton Law
96Volumetric analysis of a gas mixture
97Apparent molecular weight and Gas constant
98Specific heat of a gas mixture
99Adiabatic mixing of perfect gases
100Gas and Vapour mixtures
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